【青山】グスタフ・クリムト 接吻 | The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
【青山】グスタフ・クリムト 接吻 | The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
クリムト作品における共通の主題となるのは、「愛」「親密さ」「性愛」である。ここで解説する《接吻》は、それらクリムトの主題を集大成した 作品であり、またクリムト作品において最も傑出した作品の1つであり、さらに当時のオーストリア、ウィーンの前衛 芸術を代表する作品である。
Common themes in Klimt's works are ``love,'' ``intimacy,'' and ``sexual love.'' The Kiss, which will be explained here, is the culmination of Klimt's themes, and is one of Klimt's most outstanding works, as well as a representative work of the avant-garde art of Vienna, Austria at the time.
For Art and Cafe's Kisses, students choose canvases from square and round canvases and use modeling paste in addition to regular paint to draw freely.
開催場所:東京都渋谷区神宮前2-3-23 ヴィラ瑛301
Venue: Villa Ei 301, 2-3-23 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Access: 6 minutes walk from Gaienmae Station
Contents: Art lecture, art supplies, drinks, other necessary equipment, etc.
Note: There are no elevators or escalators.
On the day of the event: The event will be held at the time listed in the purchased event. Cancellation: Please see our cancellation policy. If you do not receive an email after purchasing: It may have been stored in your spam folder. If you cannot confirm, please email us at artandcafe.tokyo@gmail.com.